What We Do.

At Smithworks, we’re passionate about and dedicated to matching you with the best digital strategies and tools in order to empower you to shape the world around us for the better.


We work with nonprofit, faith based, and political groups to develop a comprehensive digital strategy tailored specifically to your organization’s needs.

Why We Do It.

It’s about reaching as many people as possible.

It’s about making the greatest impact possible.

It’s about reaching and impacting in the most cost effective manner.

How do you reach and impact millions spending just cents on the dollar?

You go where the people are.


How We Do It.

Step 1

We do a good ol’ fashioned sit-down where we listen to your vision for your organization. From this we’ll better be able to establish, not only what services you need, but also what your digital goals are.

Step 2

We analyze your current digital presence—site traffic, social media presence, content marketing, digital ad buys, email marketing, etc.

Step 3

We take your vision and your current presence and develop a plan of action.

Step 4

We either implement the plan, or if you prefer, we teach you how to implement the plan.

Now, Let’s Talk.

Interested in what Smithworks can do for you and your organization?
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you right away.